
FACTAGE – Fairer Active Ageing for Europe

The FACTAGE project examines emerging inequalities in Europe’s ageing societies, with a specific focus on labour markets, (healthy) life expectancy and subjective well-being. The FACTAGE consortium recognizes these as major societal challenges which can be addressed by innovative evidence-based policymaking. The aim is to identify policies that can best promote fairness within and between generations.


INTERREG Austria - Hungary: Age-friendly Region New models to improve quality of life across the Austrian-Hungarian borders

In 2010 the World Health Organisation launched the initiative ‘Age-friendly World’. The vision is to reshape all towns and regions into living spaces in which to grow old. The project ‘Age-friendly Region’ will contribute to bringing this vision to the Austrian-Hungarian border region by improving the situation of older people in need of care. The project will develop new approaches so that older people in need of care and their relatives can better cope within their familiar context to enjoy an appropriate quality of life in old age. 



Ressortübergreifende Fachinformationen zum Thema demografischer Wandel in der Arbeitswelt

Mit dem Portal werden für Deutschland ressortübergreifende Fachinformationen zum Themenfeld "Demografischer Wandel und Arbeitswelt" leicht zugänglich gemacht. Das Portal bietet einen Überblick über aktuelle Entwicklungen in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen, die die Arbeitswelt beeinflussen. Zudem liefert es AkteurInenn aus Politik und Praxis differenzierte Hintergrundinformationen, um die Rahmenbedingungen gesunder und produktiver Arbeit anzupassen und weiterzuentwickeln.