

Mit dem Projekt AFTER.WORK initiierte das Unabhängige LandesFreiwilligenzentrum (ULF) ein oberösterreichweites Programm, das aktives Altern und lebenslanges Lernen durch freiwilliges Engagement fördert. Das Potential älterer Menschen, deren Erfahrungen und Kompetenzen ein beachtliches Kapital für unsere Gesellschaft darstellen, wird hier in den Fokus gerückt. Das ULF will dazu motivieren, diesen Ideen- und Erfahrungsreichtum einzubringen und zur Verfügung zu stellen.


INNOVAGE - Social Innovations Promoting Active and Healthy Ageing

The objectives of the INNOVAGE project directly address the current major barriers to innovation and to the achievement of the extension of healthy life years across the EU. INNOVAGE aims to achieve impact in the public, private and third sectors and is built on the closest possible partnership with end users and stakeholders, including older people themselves.The INNOVAGE project is dedicated to developing, testing as well as surveying and cataloguing social innovations that will have a solid impact on improving the quality of life and well-being of older people.


INTERREG Austria - Hungary: Age-friendly Region New models to improve quality of life across the Austrian-Hungarian borders

In 2010 the World Health Organisation launched the initiative ‘Age-friendly World’. The vision is to reshape all towns and regions into living spaces in which to grow old. The project ‘Age-friendly Region’ will contribute to bringing this vision to the Austrian-Hungarian border region by improving the situation of older people in need of care. The project will develop new approaches so that older people in need of care and their relatives can better cope within their familiar context to enjoy an appropriate quality of life in old age. 



Give&Take - Designing a reciprocal exchange service for a good and engaged senior life

Give&Take co-designs an innovative digital platform that enables senior citizens to reciprocally exchange services and resources, creating new opportunities for senior citizens to contribute to society as volunteers and caregivers in their local communities. The GiveTake project is funded under the EU’s AAL programme.



Team ProGenerationen

Das Kooperationsprojekt Team ProGenerationen
Team ProGenerationen ist ein seit 20. Jänner 2017 bestehendes Kooperationsprojekt der GerAnimations®-Trainerin Mag. Gabriela Neveril und der Lebensberaterin Stephanie Niederhuber. Das Projekt verbindet Seniorenanimation mit Angehörigenberatung zu einem gemeinsamen Angebot für Familien: Betreuung und Begleitung für Seniorinnen, Senioren und Angehörige.
Zeitvertreib und aktives Miteinander für Seniorinnen und Senioren
