
Aging Health Capital

This project aims at investigating the development of old-age health capital from an international perspective. It will identify life course factors associated with cognitive and physical performance and the prevalence of noncommunicable diseases of the 50+ population in Europe, the United States, and Asia using several comparable national panel surveys on health and aging. The factors are characteristics on the individual, regional/neighborhood, and country level and are collected at different points during the life course.

HEMOX - The male-female health-mortality paradox

From the 1960s to the 1980s a common wisdom about differences between males and females in health and mortality emerged which was summarised by the well-known phrase "women are sicker, but men die quicker". Recently this wisdom has been increasingly questioned. Nevertheless, the general idea of a paradoxical relationship between health and mortality among women and men persists until today.


LETHE - Levels and Trends of Health Expectancy: Understanding its Measurement and Estimation Sensitivity

Better health is central to human happiness and wellbeing. It also contributes substantially to economic progress, as healthy populations live longer and are more productive. Accordingly, the EU defined the improvement of health as a fundamental element of its “Europe 2020” strategy. The corresponding public health policies are assessed on the basis of a structural indicator for “Health Expectancy” (HE). Unfortunately, HE estimates are extremely sensitive to certain methodological issues of which many are widely ignored.


Ora et labora: Eine gesundheitssoziologische Studie über die Auswirkungen der längeren Lebensarbeitszeit von Ordensleuten in Wien auf deren Gesundheit und Lebensqualität

The absolute and relative increase of retired people entails increasing pressure on the social security systems. Policymakers intend to reduce this burden by increasing the statutory pension age. This study investigates the effects of a longer working life time on health and life quality of order members to better assess the consequence of such a political measure.


ASCOM - Ageing Study of Catholic Order Members

The ASCOM project was established in the context of the ERC Starting Grant Project HEMOX (“The Male-Female Health Mortality Paradox”, Project No. 262663) and deals in the first years primarily with the gender differences in health and longevity.


Screening for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) among Older People across Europe (SCOPE)

In allen Ländern in Europa werden die Menschen immer älter. Dies ist eine Errungenschaft verbesserter Lebensbedingungen aber auch einer guten medizinischen Versorgung. Es ist heute bekannt, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit, an chronischen Erkrankungen zu leiden, mit zunehmendem Lebensalter ansteigt. Organe wie die Niere oder das Herz arbeiten oftmals eingeschränkt. Diese chronischen Erkrankungen können, bei nicht umfassender medizinischer Betreuung und Information der betroffenen Menschen, zu einer Verschlechterung der Lebensqualität führen.
