AGE Platform Europe at the AAL Forum 2018

The AAL Forum will look at the future of the digital transformation of health and social inclusion of the ageing population. It offers the opportunity to be involved in an ecosystem that promotes a new social and economic approach to develop a more inclusive silver economy that benefits individuals, society and industry.

AGE Platform Europe will be involved in a number of workshops organised as part of the Forum:

  • 25 Sept - Workshop 5 – 14h00-15h30 - Joining up age-friendly smart homes and smart communities: Voices in standardization (organised by the PROGRESSIVE project)
  • 26 Sept - Workshop 21 – 14h00-14h45 - Matching AAL projects with European and international agendas for smart, sustainable and inclusive development (organised by the collaborative working group of the EIP AHA and EIP SCC with the support of AGE)
  • AGE member and former President, Liz Mestheneos, will be speaking in the workshop 8 on 25 Sept, 14h45-15h30, on Risk Competence in AAL and technology innovations as viewed by users and policy

For more information please click here:
> AGE Platform Europe (article)
> ALL Forum 2018 (event)