2nd Annual EAI International Conference on Ambient Assisted Living Technologies based on Internet of Things

Budapest, Hungary

The world of Internet of Things is ever growing in an unprecedented pace. Sensors are getting smaller in size and are being incorporated in all sorts of everyday objects measuring several parameters, producing heaps of data while at the same time create opportunities for data-centric businesses to spawn. Wearables are becoming mainstream for measuring physical activity whereas new ways to evaluate psychological wellbeing is being tested.

The Ambient Assisted Living domain offers the perfect setup for IoT-based measuring and monitoring technologies since it touches on the very important social issue of the ageing population while offering the ability to really test telecare services for home-based setups. Multiple technology domains have spawned from the AAL domain but fields such as Smart Home building and extending, have been on the rise.

Date: Monday, December 4, 2017 (All day) to Wednesday, December 6, 2017 (All day)

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