
Domain owner, content and editorial responsibility

Österreichische Plattform für Interdisziplinäre Alternsfragen (ÖPIA)

Laudongasse 21/14
A-1080 Wien

Association´s headquarters: Vienna
ZVR number: 710623510


All content on the website of Network on Ageing has been reviewed with great care. We try to make this content up-to-date, accurate and complete. However, no guarantee can be given for the accuracy, completeness and actuality of the information. Liability of the ÖPIA is excluded.

The website of the ÖPIA contains links to third-party websites, which have also been carefully checked. However, the publisher has no influence on the contents, correctness and changes of these linked pages. The contents of these websites are the sole responsibility of their operators.

© The copyright of all texts, images and representations on the website is held, unless specified otherwise, by the ÖPIA.

If there is the possibility of entering personal or business data (email addresses, names, addresses, description of scientific activities) within the Internet offer of the ÖPIA, the disclosure of this data on the part of the user takes place on an expressly voluntary basis.